Get Canada PR after Graduation with Family
Limited period skill shortage program by CANADA
- Graduate Any Stream
- Min. 2 yr. experience
- Processing Time 7 to 8 months
- Only 6 bands required
- All cases handled by RCICs in Canada
- 95% success rate
- No Payment, if PR not approved
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About: Vir's Visa Experts
Providing the best immigration services
We offer end-to-end solutions for immigrants looking to immigrate to Canada. Whether you want to study, work, invest, or apply for Canada PR – WE CAN HELP YOU!
Discover your Canada Immigration options with ICCRC authorized immigration consultants.
Complete our free assessment today!
Few reasons to choose Vir's Visa Experts
Immigrate to Canada: FAQs
There are currently 104+ pathways to immigrate to Canada from India. Some of the most popular ones include:
- Express Entry – Immigrate to Canada as a skilled worker.
- Provincial Nominee Program – Immigrate to Canada by being nominated by a Canadian province or territory.
- Start-Up Visa – Immigrate to Canada by starting a business and creating jobs.
- Study Visa – Immigrate to Canada as an international student.
Express Entry is the fastest and most popular pathway to apply for Canada PR visa. Ideal Express Entry candidates would meet the following Canada immigration requirements:
- Be under 30 years old.
- Hold at least two Bachlor’s degrees or a Master’s degree.
- Be able to demonstrate moderate to high English and/or French language proficiency.
- Have at least three years of skilled work experience.
The process to apply for PR in Canada under Express Entry can be done in 5 easy steps.
Step 1: Find out if you’re eligible for an Express Entry managed stream.
Step 2: Check your CRS score.
Step 3: Get your documents ready.
Step 4: Fill out your Express Entry profile.
Step 5: Receive an invitation and apply for Canada PR visa.
The CRS calculator is a points-based system that Canada uses to assess and score your profile and rank it in the Express Entry pool. It’s used to assess your
- Skills
- Education
- Language Ability
- Work Experience
- Other factors
Get in touch with our Canada Immigration Consultants to calculate your CRS score.
The service-standard processing time for Express Entry applications is 6 months. Processing times are based upon many factors including country of residence, type of application, and completeness.
Our Recent Success Stories
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